A computer programmer, or more accurately an entry level software developer, is usually the first one hired on a job-to-be. If you are applying for a job in this field, you are going to need to have a well-written, appealing, and well-presented entry level software engineer resume as part of your application. It should be designed to highlight your qualifications and skills in order to help you stand out among the competition. Here is how to format an attractive entry level software engineer resume:

As a rule, engineer resumes should always include your contact information (first name, last initial, position, etc.). You want to have an easy to read, easy to type layout that not only looks great but also clearly and concisely expresses what you do. Here is a sample entry level software engineer resume template:
The first thing you should do when you write your entry level software engineer resume is decide what you want to accomplish by including your skills. You should take some time to evaluate yourself to see where your strengths and weaknesses lie and then determine what the specific job opening is that you are applying to.
Engineering careers require someone with an aptitude for programming, but you must be able to demonstrate your technical skills as well. Some jobs will require you to be able to communicate with the team effectively and others will require you to provide documentation.
There are also jobs that require you to write code but not necessarily the coding itself. Some jobs, like those in the engineering industry, will require you to be a designer of software for the company.
The next step is to write a compelling and unique introductory paragraph that introduces your career path, highlights your past experiences and education, and lays out what you intend to accomplish within the company as a result of the program that you have written. This paragraph should be at least four sentences long. You can also include a summary of your job responsibilities within the company at the end. In a computer programming job, the resume is very important because it helps to reveal how serious you are about your work and helps to give them a better understanding of what kind of employee you are. If you do not have a good entry level software engineer resume, you may not get a second interview at all.